16 pictures George Washington - Guardian Supervisor(ESTJ) Mother Teresa - Guardian Protector (ISFJ) Albert Einstein - Rational Architect (INTP) Margaret Thatcher - Rational Fieldmarshal(ENTJ) Mikhail Gorbachev - Idealist Teacher (ENFJ) Eleanor Roosevelt - Idealist Counselor (INFJ) Elvis Presley - Artisan Performer (ESFP) Jacqueline Onasis - Artisan Composer (ISFP) Dolley Madison - Guardian Provider (ESFJ) Queen Victoria - Guardian Inspector (ISTJ) Walt Disney - Rational Inventor (ENTP) Dwight David Eisenhower - Rational Mastermind (INTJ) Thomas Paine - Idealist Champion (ENFP) Princess Diana - Idealist Healer (INFP) Charles Lindberg - Artisan Crafter (ISTP) George S. Patton - Artisan Promoter (ESTP)
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5 Tips for Salary Negotiations in a Down Economy
Channel Your Inner Artisan Promoter

Negotiation can occur when one accepts a new job and when one is angling for a raise. The Artisan Promoter is the most naturally skilled of all types in negotiation. Here are some tips that they seem to know instinctively:

  1. Timing is Everything. In salary negotiations, the one who mentions money first loses. For a new job, never negotiate salary or other benefits until you have an offer of employment. For new employment, a new position or for a raise, talk about your future contributions to the company before money discussions start.

  2. Know what you are Worth. Idealists and Guardian Protectors tend to want others to praise and reward them for their worth and may not do the homework to get real facts. They tend to give their power away to the employer. It is best to research salary ranges before you start the negotiation. Know the average salary for candidates with your education and skills in that type of position, in that type of industry, and in that geographical location. Search the internet for salary information and also consult professional organizations.

  3. Know what you can Contribute. Rationals, in particular, love to solve systems problems, but they may get too technical in telling about their ideas so they need to learn to judge their audience. Artisans are great in emergencies and need to focus on how they have solved past crises. Guardians cut risks and ensure that operations go smoothly. Idealists are catalysts that help people work effectively in teams to create a better future. If you can't state what you have done to help the company and what you intend to do, you'll lose in negotiations. Think in terms of money or time saved, resources preserved, problems solved, and opportunities or new products created. In you can assign value in terms of numbers, you'll enhance your negotiating stance.

  4. Work toward a Win/Win situation. Focus on mutual goals. Negotiations that are open dialogues rather than adversarial positions get the most for everyone. Avoid commitment words like always, must have, never, and won't consider. If you don't get all you want, don't take it personally or become angry. Before you enter the negotiation, see if you can state the company's side in terms of present conditions. Those who can understand the issues on both sides of the table are the most successful.

  5. Seek Creative Alternatives. Often times in negotiations, a person does not achieve everything they would like, especially in the area of salary. What other things might be important to you? A bonus, cell phone and pager, childcare services, association membership, commuting and parking costs, company car, computer equipment, flexible work schedule, telecommuting, profit sharing and savings plans, etc. Decide what options are the most important to you and put them on the table.

Finally, celebrate. No matter if you got all you wanted, got some of what you wanted, or even didn't get anything you wanted, it is time to celebrate that you participated in a negotiation. Each time you participate, you learn something new. The negotiations concern a strictly economic issue - not a statement of your personal worth.


Temperament and Careers

Planning Process
Finding Your Passion
Your Current Situation
Who Am I?
What Are My Options?
Evaluating Options
Creating an Action Plan

Selection Process
Informational Interviewing
The Toughest Question
Evaluating an Offer
Salary Negotiations

Succeeding On The Job
Your Boss
Dress For Success
Successful Presentations
Working From Home
Dealing With Stress
In a Shrinking Job Market

Making Changes
When to Take Risks?
Taking a Job in a New City
Who Will Get Laid Off?
Is Your Job a Poor Fit?
Networking is Key

Where the Jobs Are
Healthcare: Many Opportunities
